Dienstag, 30. Dezember 2008

December 30th

From now on you will read my blog only in English, because there are a lot of people far away from Germany who read my blog. Yes, as I'm an asian I have relatives all over the world! The google translator is not bad, but it translates my former posts into English and Vietnamese so disastrously!
I wrote in Germany "Leon didn't stop slobbering ('cause he got his 10ths tooth)". Google translates "Leon did not listen to Salivation." What a complete different meaning! The 2nd reason to blog in English is that I want to improve my English. Therefore I need YOU as my English teacher! If you find some mistakes, please let me know! Thanks!!!

As every year my friends and I celebrate New Year's Eve before New Year's Eve! Anh Khanh invited us to this home. (Check the lot of teddys at the curtain!) We had as always a lot of fun.

Gỏi Đồ Biển (vietnamese seafood salad) made by Hue

Vịt quay (grilled duck) made by Bích
The duck is very very very delicious. But she won't give me her recipe!
She swore to the restaurant owner that she would never share his secret recipe to anybody.
Cơm Lào & nem chua made by Trang
(Rice with pickled sour pork sausage, recipe from Laos)

Linh, Nguyet, Bich, me, Trang, Hue

Khanh & Nguyet made these two pictures at the wedding photographer Milan in Saigon.
Very beautiful!
Hue is now in her 5th month of pregnancy. You can see a little sweet tummy. It will be a girl!
Teo, Trang, me, Bich

Du's godson, Tung, Hubby
My cam is really good. I love the atmosphere my camera has catched.
After midnight Nguyet served Bún Riêu (Crab Meat Noodle Soup)
We ate and ate and drank my favourite sparkling wine ASTI. The men had beer and some rum and vodka. We played blackjack. And guess what! I think it was the first "December-30th-party" at which nobody was drunk. Really! In the last years there were at least 2 oder 3 who were boozy! Awful, but we get more sensible!

Montag, 29. Dezember 2008

Rapsong von Lam und Han

Ein Update zum 1. Weihnachtstag: Der Rapsong von Lam und Han! Der war so lustig, dass ich das Video einfach posten muss. Der Text stammt von Chi Oanh.

Freitag, 26. Dezember 2008

1. Weihnachtstag bei Chi Oanh

Es gab leckere Frühlingsrollen mit frischen Kräutern, Salat, Riesengarnelen und Pho. Mein Part "Bo La Lot" (Rindfleisch umwickelt mit Betelblätter) fiel aus, da Thien immer noch krank ist, bzw. noch kranker wurde, so dass er kein Lächeln zustande brachte.
Di Ut
Mr. Phong & Mrs. My, farblich abgestimmt
Lam & Han üben für ihren Rap-Song in der Küche
Chi Oanh organisierte Spiele für alle. Zuerst wurden wir durch
"danh tu ti" in zwei Gruppen aufgeteilt.
Han & Vy
Lam & Han rappen auf Vietnamesisch.
Das war echt ein Highlight!!!
Van und Vy mussten Kekse essen und einen Ballon mit dem Allerwertesten zum Platzen bringen.
Chu Hung & Chi Ha mussten ein Rätsel lösen.
My & ich mussten ein Rätsel lösen und Pantomine spielen.
Co Ut, Di Ut, Bac Hai
Minh Khue & Má
Ich, Thien & Má
Han & Má
Van & Má
Vy & Má
Lam & Má
Co Ba & ich & Thien
Han & Co Ba
Vy & Co Ba
Co Ut & Minh Khue
Co Ut, ich, Thien
Co Ut, Má
Co Ut, Co Ba
Dì Ut, Co Ba, Má

Anh Bang, Chi Oanh, Chi Ha, Anh Thinh

Han spielt "Nutrocker"
Thien spielt "Babyrocker"

Lecker, Pho!
Aufräumen musste leider sein...
Wohnzimmer Impression
Black Jack