Montag, 27. April 2009

Hubby's Birthday

Oh my god, my last post was from a month ago! I was so busy the last weeks that I can hardly answer all of my emails or post something new. This was the cake for Hubby. He loves cars, so I decorated the cake with a Porsche Cayman, a Mercedes SLK and a Porsche 911. I wish I could shape the cars with fondant, but 1st I can't and 2nd I didn't have time to try it, cause the birthday organisation (cleaning up, cooking, decorating etc.) for 12 people was time consuming enough. The cake was filled with a light mandarines buttercream.

After I baked and filled the cake with a light mandarines buttercream I covered it with an american buttercream, especially for fondant make it even. You can't make a fondant cake without that covering.

Then I covered the whole cake with a thin layer of fondant and made it smooth with a fondant smoother.

Voilà! It's now like a canvas for a painter!

A snapshot of the buffet. They seemed to have fun. We celebrated till 5 am with loud karaoke music and thanks God I have very nice and tolerant neighbours who didn't say anything or call the police! Even my friends were astonished by that tolerance. I think if you are the whole year nice, friendly and good neighbours you can do that once a year without anybody being bothered about it.