Chi & Mai (my cousins) sent me these cute pics. I asked for them because I want to make a family calendar for grandma in Vietnam. I don't even know when I saw them the last time in Berlin...It must have been a very very long time ago. Mai was a baby, when I met her! Germany is not that big, but I've never visit them and their family in M. (620km away from my city) before. Shame on me! But hubby did last november because he was on a business trip near M. He had a very delicious dinner at the fancy restaurant of my uncle Chuc.
How cute is that photo? A corn field left...I live in a big city so Leon will never ride a bike near a corn field. (sigh)
8 Kommentare:
photo 1:
Oh, this was nice! At that time we were about 4 and 7 years old (a lot of spare time) and made every day with our father a small bicycle tour...
photo 2:
A wonderful day at the Lüneburger Lake! Almost the whole family enjoyed the fresh air, the good weather and the fantastic atmosphere.
photo 3:
*hihi* After the laborious tinkering and pottering around in the small ship (with big help of Chu Martin) could try out it even in the Vogelstanger lake. At that time we were 7 and 4.
photo 4:
And again a nice trip. This time we were in Scheidegg, very well suitable for long walks and of course also for our dearly loved "Jump-Fotos"!!
photo 5:
Chi at the age of 14.:D
Unfortunately, a little bit blurred.
photo 6:
There are our parent, walking on sunshine. :D
I can hardly believe that pic 2 is showing the Lüneburger Lake from Germany! It looks so beautiful...I have to visit more German places! Is Chu Martin a friend or is he a relative of your family? The ship is great, good work! I've never built a ship before. You two have changed a lot, but your parents seem not to age at all.
Love, Ally
hier ist Khsnh, wie gehts euch so in Mannheim? Ich erkenne Mai garnicht mehr so richtig, weil sie eine Brille trägt und so erwachsen ist.
Richtig cool!!!
Hi Chi&Mai,
mann das letzte mal als ich euch gesehen habe...war 97??? Schöne Bilder habt ihr da gemacht...viele Grüße Na
chu martin ist der ehemann von unserer tante phuong (ihr gehört auch der "kleine" süße hund auf den einem bild). Martin ist wirklich lieb und bastelt immer neue sachen für uns. letztens hat er einen ziemlich abgenutzen, aber stabilen tischkicker bei ebay ersteigert und hat ihn wunderbar "renoviert"!
Is there any reason to write in english? we should write TIENG VIET hehe :D
nEway time is passing by so fast i cant believe Chi is 14 or even older right now...last time i can remember you were just about 4...and mai cung LON ROI QUA ^^Both of you are looking very good!
You Girls should try to convince your parents this year to stay in Berlin during Christmas-Vacation, so we can celebrate 2gether one time!
See you and send LOI THAM cho BA MA!! :D
@Chi & Mai
Ah, I know your aunt Phuong! She once lived here.
That's a good idea of Ky. Come to us (in one of your several vacations in a year). We can do something together! Christmas is a good time.
OHA !!!
Ich erkenne euch gar nicht mehr wieder hihi Hab euch glaub ich 10jahre nicht mehr gesehn :( Wann kommt ihr uns besuchen ;)
Schöne Bilder ^^
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