Dienstag, 10. März 2009

Leon's pics and new words

Here are some latest pics of Leon:
He is so tired that he falls asleep on the couch.

His "sport-group"

He loves sliding.

Mommy doesn't allow me to eat muffins, but I've found it in Daddy's bag!

Mommy, when can we go out?

It's too hot in this clothes!

Every night before I go to bed I kiss my rocking lion good night.

And my dog, too.

I've learned this by watching Daddy!

New words of Leon for the last 6 weeks (these words he can say it on his own without anybody saying it to him):
G = German, V = Vietnamese

Nein! (G = no!) He can say that word already 5 1/2 weeks ago. I think I have to post "LeonsWords" more frequently.
Apfel (G = apple)
Paprika (G = paprika) One of this favourite words, cause he knows that it's difficult!
Pizza (G = pizza)
Danke! (G = Thank you!)
Vô! (V = Cheers!) Whenever he sees a glass, especially a wine glass, he says that. even if he knows the word for glass. I always correct him, but he laughs at me and says "vô!" even louder! It seems to be fun for him seeing adults clicking glasses.
(V = fish)
Fisch (G = fish)
Bánh (V = cookie)
Keks (G = cookie)
Cà chua (V = tomatoe)
Vit (V = duck)
Ente (G = duck)
Buch (G = book)
doc (V = to read)
viet (V = to write/ pen)
Khóa (chia khóa V = house key) His favourite toy!
Baum (G = tree)
Nho (V = grapes)
Quan (V = pants)
(V = shirt)
bay (V = to fly)
Aua! (G = Outch!)
Piek! (G = to prinkle) With "Pieker" he means a fork.
Gôí (V = pillow)
còn (V = there's something left (e.g. his milk))
hê´t (V = finished, empty)
all(e) (G = finished, empty)
con (V = I, me) If I show him a pic of him and ask in Vietnamese: "Who is it?" he answers in Vietnamese.
ich (G = I, me) If I show him a pic of him and ask in German: "Who is it?" he answers in German.
muong (V = spoon)
Té! (V = to fall) He says it to me as a warning, whenever I stand on a chair or ladder!
ABCD (in G or V almost the same)
Bye Bye!
Chào! (V = hello/ bye)

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